



“I Am A Person Who…”

“Who are you?”  What’s your answer if you are asked?  I love a cup of coffee every morning, go see the ocean, those are my favorite, I am a therapist or counselor, those are my job title not it is the expression of myself.  Actually, the question is an entrance exam at Harvard or Oxford university.  Since I knew the question, I have been recalling this difficult question from time to time.  Today, I have a good opportunity; therefore, I am trying to express myself along with it which is “I am a person who enjoy developing possibilities of people with problems as much as I can”.  I’ll explain it through a couple of salient stories in the following. 

The first time when I found great joy of developing a possibility of others was when I helped a 7-year school boy with cerebral palsy to read words in a picture book.  The cerebral palsy has difficulty reading words because of losing the functions of part of the brain in related to motor functions.  I supported him to practice reading a story with rhythm using a keyboard for half a year.  Eventually, he was able to read a picture book on his own even though he had not read aloud.  That made me crazily surprised and was eager to know the power of music.  That’s why I went abroad in the US to study music therapy. 

When I came back to Japan a decade ago, I started providing older adults with music for reminiscence in most cases.  Recalling their old days is so significant that they identify their power that has energy to overcome the great amount of hardship, especially during and after WWII.  They were in tears when remembered their experiences through many pieces of music that were heard from a radio at that time.  It can make calm as they re-interpreted those memories.  They smiled after each session of music therapy and shared me with their minds that might have hided and forgotten for a long time which engaged me in their world.

Now I am enjoying providing counseling to people with mental health problems.  This job is not what I had expected to take until 2012.  By taking a certification of cognitive behavior therapy in the US as well as one in music therapy, I was hired in a mental clinic and provided clients with cognitive behavior therapy that is famous with the evidence-based.  Many people have found the core problem to influence their mentality and their daily lives.  By listening to their improvement anytime, I am glad to see the process of change and feel relaxed after a long hard journey.    

Not only my clients, but I can also develop my possibility to improve my ability through working with those people.  Listening actively, empathizing, and facilitating others’ strength are really not easy skills because minds are invisible.  I should use the right brain and sense any non-verbal communication.  It can refine my total human ability. 

In sum, I love to be a witness that people with difficulties solve their problems and improve themselves and their lives, which leads to my own improvement.  That’s why I can’t stop supporting people who need help.  I am the person who endeavor to develop any possibility to improve hidden abilities.     



【対面 & オンライン・カウンセリング】予約可能枠:2025年1月


16 Personalities/16 性格診断テスト