




Enjoying Being By Myself

A long time ago, I watched the TV in which the empress Michiko had encouraged her prince Hironomiya to play by himself when he was a child.  The sounds struck me a little bit at that moment.  Encouraging a little child to be by himself?  Now I understand what's that meaning.

We naturally want to be with people many times.  Being in a group makes us a sense of safety  unintentionally and we understand the reason because many animals do so in nature.  Instinct teaches us how to protect ourselves.  In addition, being alone is regarded as a person who doesn't have friends and family members due to a problem of him/herself.  Others tend to speak ill of him/her about one's personality problems etc.  One wants to avoid such evaluation and if can't do it, one starts feeling inferior.  What's more, it is dependence.  The thoughts of the individual is "I can't do anything without others".  The fact is, yes you can.  However, you don't believe in yourself and need others' help.

You can believe in yourself.  You can solve many problems by yourself.  You can stay alone and enjoy it.  Therefore, you can enjoy being by yourself.  There are many benefits when being alone.

You can be with others to do with obstacles in your life sometimes, but keep in mind, not all the time.  Everyone carry on their lives with many efforts so even you want to depend on others, they don't have capacities to be with you many time.  Face your problem on your own.  Never mind mistakes.

Additionally, there is an advantage of it.  Everything has an advantage and disadvantage.  You thing and do along what you want.  You don't need be interrupted by others when carrying on your plan.

Enjoying being by yourself.  You are the person who you most enjoy with.


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【対面 & オンライン・カウンセリング】予約可能枠:2025年1月


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