



Quitting, Not Mistaking is Losing

You often think that making a mistake is wrong and being defeated if you has an opponent.  The result shows you your inferior to the opponent because he/she won the case and you lose it.  However, it is not true.  Making a mistake and lost the game is not your losing.  In case of quitting the game, you are absolutely a loser.  

As many of you realize that what you mistake leads to success if you learn something important in that matter.  There is definitely essence in any failed case.  If you can find room for improvement, that effort refines your skills and experiences.  Therefore, losing is not losing.  If you run away from the matter that you made a mistake and learn nothing form the lesson, you will never improve in that matter.  You will have been the same in the future, which might include possibility to make the same mistake.  That's real losing.  

Making a mistake is fine.  Do not afraid of doing so.  You can learn from the lesson to improve.  In a short run, you look to be defeated by the opponent but nobody know in the future.  Quitting the matter that you are trying will be no results in that thing.  Your opponent is just happy with it because the number of his/her competitors reduces!  

Never quitting and keep going your efforts in any form.  That's the essence of becoming a winner in the future. 



【対面 & オンライン・カウンセリング】予約可能枠:2025年1月


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