






Sunshine Makes Me Powerful

Since I had changed my career in June, last year, I was tired in the end of the year.  Probably, I had obtained many of my wishes in 2018 including the new computer system.  It was fantastic but exhausted for me at the same time.  I had being having a feeling strangeness both on my eye and ear since Summer.  I saw doctors and had medication.  I felt down on every cell of my whole body.  The machine for measuring my blood circulation says "The elasticity of the blood vessels is under the normal line".  Wow...

Therefore, I was taking a walk along side of the river near by my place the new year holidays.  I was walking in my pace anyway in the sunshine for half an hour.  In the middle of walking, I found the wooden bench.  I just sad down and looked over the river.  The river was shimmering with the sunshine.  Grasses and weeds were overgrown.  The sunshine was bright.  

At that moment, I really felt that I got energy.  Each cell of my body seemed to come alive gradually and felt powerful.  It was an amazing experience because it was like the dead was brought back to life!  I thought "Wow, I had been dead.  This is the sense of being alive!"  Due to the shower of sunshine on my body, the river and scenery which I saw, I was able to recover.  

Now, I have an feeling of healthy, power, and rhythm.  Sleeping well and long helps me feel active.  Just looking at scenery in the sunshine makes me happy and come alive.  I'll be walking along the river when it is sunny again to rise.  



【対面 & オンライン・カウンセリング】予約可能枠:2025年1月


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