







*************************************************:English version

Something Insufficient of mine could open the door significant for myself. 

English skills are so important at my new work that I have practiced and demonstrated them since June.  Especially I concentrated on brushing up English skills for the past a month and half.  Presenting lectures in English for businesspersons at companies was my duty.  I haven't used the skills well for the past a year.  Yet!  I've gotten good and hard assignments in this summer.  

In fact, I have achieved the aim and obtained better evaluation than I'd expected.  However, I feel really like staying alert because I am not an excellent English speaker.  I've had no assignment yet regarding giving lectures in English.  However, it is necessary for me to catch up with the better level of functioning when thinking and speaking English.  

I have visited church where provides congregation with Mass in English.  Attending English Mass is a very good opportunity to listen and think something in English.  And more...singing hymns in English must let me speak out English more, I suppose.  Therefore, I have contacted a music director at the choir.  He replied me soon.  As a result, I greeted him and members at the choir and had nice conversation at lunch today.  They welcomed me very well.  I believe I could help them in some parts.  

At the same time, I believe that is a new community for me, which will become very important in the future.  I didn't dare to knock the door of the choir, even though I have attended Mass many times for the past several years.  Feeling alert for my skills has let me come in the new group.  Actually, I really want to sing English hymns more than Japanese hymns because of the rhythms and memories that I had been active at the church in the US.  

Feeling unsatisfied is not bad all the time.  It is useful and helpful for us if we take an advantage of the positive aspects.  Facing an unwanted reaction is not always bad.  It can lead to unexpected, interesting, and better results in our lives.  



【対面 & オンライン・カウンセリング】予約可能枠:2025年1月


16 Personalities/16 性格診断テスト